About the report

The Health Foundation is an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK.

Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) is the UK’s national institute for health data science. HDR UK’s mission is to bring together the UK’s health and care data to enable discoveries that improve people’s lives by uniting, improving and using data as one national institute.

HDR UK’s Better Care programme aims to equip clinicians and patients in the UK with the best possible data-based information to make decisions about their care. Over the past 2 years, as part of this wider programme, the Health Foundation and HDR UK have been working in partnership to deliver the Better Care Catalyst programme. This has funded three projects to develop data-driven tools that aim to improve health care decision making and also supported three workstreams to set out the training, knowledge mobilisation and policy actions required to support data-driven learning and improvement in health care.

This report is the final output of the Better Care Catalyst programme’s policy and insights workstream, which researched the barriers and enablers for implementing learning health system approaches in the UK. It supports the wider Better Care programme and community by providing analysis and advice to further the use of data to improve health care services. It also identifies a range of opportunities and actions that policymakers and organisational and system leaders can take to advance the learning health systems agenda across the UK.
