7. Where can I find out more?


The following organisations provide information and case studies on improvement approaches.

1000 Lives Plus

The Welsh national improvement programme, supporting organisations and individuals to deliver the highest quality and safest healthcare for the people of Wales.


Advisory Board Company

A leading US healthcare consultancy that provides comprehensive performance improvement services to the healthcare and education sectors, including operational best practices and insights.


Institute for Healthcare Improvement

A US-based independent not-for-profit organisation that seeks to improve healthcare worldwide through building the will for change, cultivating promising concepts for improving care, and helping healthcare systems to put them into action.


The King’s Fund

A UK charity that seeks to understand how the health system can be improved, and works with individuals and organisations to shape policy, transform services, and bring about behavioural change.


National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Evidence Services

A suite of services that provide online access to authoritative evidence and best practice. The services cover health, social care and public health evidence.


NHS Improving Quality (NHS IQ)

Part of NHS England, NHS Improving Quality (NHS IQ) brings together quality improvement knowledge, expertise and experience from across the NHS.


Healthcare Improvement Scotland

A health body that aims to support healthcare providers in Scotland to deliver high quality, evidence-based, safe, effective and person-centred care; and to scrutinise those services to provide public assurance about the quality and safety of that care.


Social Care Institute for Excellence

An independent charity that aims to identify and spread knowledge about good practice to the large and diverse social care workforce and support the delivery of transformed, personalised social care services.


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