
We are grateful to members of the public who took the time to review this briefing and helped to improve this work: Bārbala Ostrovska, Rain Ashley Preece, Arif Hoque and Rachael Campey. Thanks go to the public advisers who supported NDL partners with communication and engagement with the public: Aberdeen Centre for Health Data Science (ACHDS) PPIE Group, Saiqa Ahmed, Rachael Campey, Digital Services for Patients (Welsh partner), Leeds CCG Children and Young People Mental Health Task and Finish Group, Helen McGlinchey, Patricia McKinney, Hina Qureshi, Patients and Public Assurance Group (Welsh partner), Swansea University Population Data Science Consumer Panel. We would like to thank Sean Agass, Chris Carr, Andy Bell (Centre for Mental Health) and Jennifer Dixon for their contributions and comments on earlier drafts of the briefing, as well as Jay Hughes for reviewing our analysis code. This work uses data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of its care and support.

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