
The Improvement Analytics Unit is a partnership between the Health Foundation and the Operational Research and Evaluation Team at NHS England.

This briefing was authored by Therese Lloyd, Arne Wolters and Adam Steventon from the Health Foundation, based on analysis undertaken by the Improvement Analytics Unit. The wider Improvement Analytics Unit team also includes Sarah Blundell, Richard Brine, Martin Caunt, Stefano Conti, Caroline Gori, Carlotta Greci, Creina Lilburne, Stephen O’Neill, Filipe Santos, Florence Starr and Charles Tallack.

The Improvement Analytics Unit reports to an Oversight Group and has established a Technical Advisory Group. We are grateful to members of these groups for their support and advice, as well as to Fiona Callaghan, Elizabeth Harris and Robert Taylor from NHS Rushcliffe Clinical Commissioning Group for their continued support.

Errors or omissions remain the responsibility of the authors alone.
