
The Health Foundation and the author are deeply indebted to the 11 former health secretaries who found time for the interviews featured in this book, and to Sir Alan Langlands and Brian Edwards who read a late draft of the first edition, correcting errors of fact and interpretation. Any remaining instances of either remain the responsibility of Nicholas Timmins. The author also thanks Edward Davies for his contributions to the first edition, and at the Foundation, Sean Agass and Hugh Alderwick for all their excellent work on the second.

Written by

Nicholas Timmins

About the author

Nicholas Timmins is a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Government and The King’s Fund. Between 1996 and 2011 he was Public Policy Editor of the Financial Times. He is also a Senior Associate of the Nuffield Trust and a Visiting Professor in Social Policy at the London School of Economics, as well as being the author of the award-winning The five giants: a biography of the welfare state.

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