
Between the ages of 12 and 24, young people go through life-defining experiences and changes. During this time, most will aim to move through education into employment, become independent and leave home. This is also a time for forging key relationships and lifelong connections with friends, family and community.

These milestones have been largely the same across generations. But today’s young people face opportunities and challenges that are very different to those experienced by their parents and carers, and from those they imagined themselves to be facing during their teenage years.

This matters because these building blocks – a place to call home, secure and rewarding work, and supportive relationships with their friends, family and community – are the foundations of a healthy life. There is strong evidence that health inequalities are largely determined by inequalities in these areas – the social determinants of health. So while young people are preparing for adult life, they are also building the foundations for their future health.

Young people’s future health isn’t simply their own concern, it is also one of society’s most valuable assets.

About the inquiry

The Health Foundation’s Young people’s future health inquiry is a first-of-its-kind research and engagement project that aims to build an understanding of the influences affecting the future health of young people.

The two-year inquiry, which began in 2017 aims to discover:

  • whether young people currently have the building blocks for a healthy future
  • what support and opportunities young people need to secure them
  • the main issues that young people face as they become adults
  • what this means for their future health and for society more generally.

Alongside the engagement work with young people, the inquiry involves site visits in locations across the UK, as well as a research programme run by the Association for Young People’s Health and the UCL Institute of Child Health. The inquiry will culminate in a policy analysis and development of recommendations in 2019.

The engagement exercise

This first report in the inquiry shares the findings from our engagement work. The Health Foundation commissioned Kantar Public, an independent social research agency, which partnered with Livity, a youth engagement specialist, to conduct an engagement exercise with young people living in the UK aged 22–26. The aim was to discover the factors that helped or hindered them in their transition to adulthood.

The engagement exercise adopted a mixed method and iterative research approach, which incorporated both qualitative and quantitative research methods. See Appendix 1 for more detail on the methodology.

The Health Foundation also commissioned Opinion Matters, an insight and market research agency, to conduct an online survey of 2,000 young people aged 22–26 and gather their views on the challenges they are facing that could impact on their future health.

Main findings — at a glance

When discussing what helped or hindered them in their transition to adulthood, young people identified four assets that were central to determining their current life experiences.

Appropriate skills and qualifications:

whether young people had acquired the academic or technical qualifications needed to pursue their preferred career.

Personal connections:

whether young people had confidence in themselves, along with whether they had access to social networks or mentors who were able to offer them appropriate advice and guidance on navigating the adult world.

Financial and practical support:

this could be direct financial support from their parents, being able to live at home at no cost with parents, as well as practical assistance such as help with childcare.

Emotional support:

having someone to talk to and be open and honest with, who supports their goals in life. This could include parents, partners and friends as well as mentors.

The engagement work showed that not all young people had these assets. The presence or absence of these assets led to particular patterns of experience with certain experiences reinforcing each other and a number of broad groups emerging.

The young people who typified these groups were already, by their mid-20s, experiencing very different circumstances from each other in terms of their ability to secure a good home and employment, and build and maintain stable relationships with friends and family. Thus, it is likely that they will face different long-term health prospects.

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