
Five sites were chosen from rural, sparsely populated areas to inner city, ethnically-diverse areas. One site was chosen in each of northern England, southern England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. While the process was data driven, sites not intended to be fully representative of the UK; instead the aim was to generate qualitative information about how places shaped young people’s lives and their transition to adulthood from a sufficiently diverse range of perspectives.

Peer researchers: 10 –15 local young people aged 14 – 24 were recruited in each area, trained and supported to become peer researchers.

Ahead of each individual visit:

— 8 –10 youth-led peer research workshops too place in schools and youth services in each place involving around 120 young people aged 14 – 24. They aimed to gather their experiences of developing the four assets.

— 8 –15 telephone interviews with members of the community, usually local leaders or services, who shape the experience of young people in that place.

Each visit involved a youth-led tour, a visit to a youth-focused service and a four-hour facilitated meeting at which findings were presented and young people and members of the community met to debate and identify opportunities to improve young people’s experiences.

All materials were then reviewed for common themes for further consideration by the inquiry.

More details on the methodology can be found in the appendix.

Methodology diagram:

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